Losing your natural teeth can be disheartening. Whether the result of age or trauma, missing teeth can lower your confidence and self-esteem. Many people rely on dentures to help replicate the look of natural teeth and maintain proper dental function. 

Modern dentures are constructed from durable materials, but these materials are not made to last indefinitely. Replacing your dentures with a newer pair can help you avoid serious health problems and discomfort in the future.

Look for signs of visible wear.

Visible wear is usually the first indication that your dentures are reaching the end of their viable lifespan. You should take the time to conduct a thorough inspection of your dentures each time you pull them out to clean them.

Look at the pink part of the denture appliance that rests against the gums. A dull or worn appearance indicates the dentures are in danger of failing. Replace your old dentures with new ones when visible wear appears to avoid finding yourself in a situation where your dentures unexpectedly become unwearable.

Evaluate the structural integrity of your dentures.

A set of dentures must be able to withstand a significant amount of force. The top and bottom dentures will come into contact with one another as you chew. The force generated by your jar can cause your dentures to lose their structural integrity over time.

Hairline fractures can form in the teeth or along the pink part of your dentures. These fractures represent weak spots where breakage is more likely. Invest in new dentures to avoid having a loss of structural integrity leave you without the dentures you need in the future.

Pay close attention to the fit of your dentures.

The anatomy of your mouth is always changing. Bone loss beneath your dentures and the shape of your gum tissue can change over time. This means that dentures which fit you comfortably in the beginning can become extremely uncomfortable with continual wear.

Ill-fitting dentures can create painful sores in the mouth, cause difficulty with speech and eating, and pinch facial nerves to contribute to more frequent headaches. Your dentist will be able to take a new impression of your mouth and create a pair of dentures that will provide you with a more comfortable and secure fit.

Don't let dated dentures compromise your health and comfort. Invest in a new set of dentures when you notice evidence of visible wear, hairline fractures, or physical pain while wearing your old dentures.
