Dental procedures are often associated with pain. A root canal is one procedure that is notorious for pain. While some pain is expected, severe pain shouldn't be an issue. If pain is something that is concerning you to, don't worry. You can be better prepared for your root canal by knowing how to manage pain.

So how can you manage pain after a root canal? Here are four easy tips:

1. Take Your Medications

Perhaps the best tip for handling pain after a root canal is to take your medications as prescribed. If you were prescribed antibiotics, make sure that you take them accordingly. Antibiotics are important, because they help to clear any infection that was present in the tooth and surrounding areas. If you stop taking your antibiotics, you might begin to experience severe pain.

Additionally, ensure that you take your pain medications if they were prescribed. Ideally, you should take your first dose of pain reliever before the anesthesia wears off. This will ensure that you only experience mild discomfort immediately following the procedure, instead of moderate pain.

2. Take An Anti-Inflammatory

If your dentist did not prescribe you any medications or pain relievers, consider taking an anti-inflammatory medication. Since dental procedures cause inflammation in the gums, nerves, and surrounding tissues, an anti-inflammatory medication can significantly reduce pain and discomfort. Again, take this medication before the anesthesia wears off.

3. Eat Soft Foods

Like any dental procedure, you should try to stick to soft foods immediately following your root canal. The tooth and surrounding areas may be tender when you bite down on foods, so avoid anything crunchy or sticky. Additionally, avoid biting down directly on the tooth immediately following the procedure. This will ensure that you heal properly. It will also prevent you from experiencing preventable pain.

4. Pay Attention to Pain

Finally, make sure that you pay attention to your pain levels. Mild discomfort or pain is common after dental procedures, but you should not experience severe pain. Each day after your procedure, you should notice that your pain diminishes. If you experience pain that is truly excruciating or is gradually increasing, contact your dentist immediately. Severe pain may indicate that there is a problem with your recovery. There might be infection left in your tooth or surrounding tissues. The dentist might not have removed all nerves. Alternatively, there might be an issue with your bite. Luckily, all of these can easily be treated.

While you cannot completely eliminate pain from root canal procedures, you can keep it minimal. By knowing what to expect, you'll be able to minimize pain from your root canal procedures. You can also utilize this information for other dental procedures, too.
