This article is going to discuss two different dental emergencies that your dentist can help you with. 

Knocked Out Tooth

If one or more of your teeth have been knocked out, this is definitely a dental emergency, and it is going to be crucial that you get into the dentist right away. The longer that the tooth is out of your mouth, the less likely it is that your dentist is going to be able to re-attach it. In order to properly care for your tooth before you head to the dentist, there are a few things that you need to remember and do.

One thing to remember is that you must not touch the roots of the tooth. Touching the roots can damage them, which is going to make it difficult, if not impossible, for your dentist to re-attach your tooth to the bone. Also, you are going to want to make sure that you properly clean any dirt or other debris off of the tooth that got on it when it was knocked out of your mouth.

In order to keep the roots of the tooth moist, you will either want to place it back into the socket in your mouth where it came out of, or you will want to wrap it up in gauze and place it in either milk or saliva. As soon as you get to your dentist, they are going to be able to begin working on getting it back into your mouth and returning your smile back to normal once again. 

Teeth Moved Out of Position 

If your tooth is twisted, turned, or otherwise moved out of position for one reason or another, this is also considered a dental emergency and it is going to be in your best interest to get into your dentist right away. When a tooth is move out of alignment, this generally means that some of the roots have been severed or otherwise removed from the bone.

Unfortunately, your tooth may die and your gums may turn black. However, by turning your tooth back into the correct direction, and then quickly heading into the dentist, you are going to have the best chance of saving your tooth. The dentist is going to be able to look over your tooth and see exactly what needs to be done in order to save your tooth. 

To learn more about these and other dental emergencies, contact clinics like Family Dental Care.
